Planning a Minecraft Village With Viewers

In my tutorial Let’s Play series, Minecraft School, I am entering the village building phase. I’ve had a couple main phases in the series already: Starter Base and Main Base. Next is the village phase, and we’ll add in a dragon fight sometime during this phase. But building a village involves, well, a lot of building. And for this stage, I am looking for a lot of viewer input. What would my viewers want to see me build?

Below is a map of the area. I’ve numbered the buildings I have absolutely no plans for yet. I’m going to tackle one or two buildings per video so that I can finish off the village by the time 1.18 is out. I want to finish this series in a timely manner. Each video is going to become focused on one build each. In many of my recent videos, I’ve been focusing on some larger projects that are fairly simple, but rather time consuming. Since this series is mainly for beginners, I don’t want to make these builds too complex. But here is the map.

In the comments below, let me know what I should build in each spot. I’m pretty sure I’ll get a lot more interaction on Twitter, Discord, and YouTube for this, as this blog is not very well-known or publicized, but if you happen to read this, let me know!

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